Welcome to the 34th Charter evening

14th May 2011 at the Tumbling Weir Hotel Ottery St Mary


DG105SW Lion Neil RutterGuest speaker, Chairman of Honiton Chamber of Commerce, Colin WrightJoined by Lion Neil Rutter DG 105SW and guest speaker Mr Colin Wright Chairman of the Honiton Chamber of Commerce, with visiting Lions and guests from Axminster, Budliegh Salterton, Seaton, Sidmouth and Honiton, so everyone was treated to a worderful evening at the Tumbling Weir Hotel with excellent food, service and entertainment.


Lion Neil Rutter DG 105SW Delivering his speech             Colin Wright, Chairman Honiton Chamber of Commerce


Lion President Brian Richards and wife Linda 

Lion President Brian Richards and wife Linda enjoying the fun


Barry Warner and wife WendyJohn Ward and his poetic versesSpecial thanks to everyone involved in setting up and organising the charter evening, but Lion Barry Warner especially for his work in making it run like clockwork and Lion John Ward for bringing a considerable amount of hummer to the evening with his poetic verses as Toastmaster .



Lion Barry Warner and wife Wendy "the Organisers!!"        Toastmaster Lion John Ward keeping us entertained!!!


 Below you will see how everyone enjoyed themselves on the evening ................

the top table folks getting ready in the gardens of the Tumberling Weir    Getting down to the food   Ron and Pat from Honiton Lions


DG Neil with Honiton President Brian and his wifeThanks to Mr. Colin Wright our guestMr Colin Wright centre chairman Honiton Chamber of Commerce speaker reminding us that all organizations like the Lions and Chamber of Commerce can work well together to assist each other, the people and business of the local area. Lion Neil Rutter DG 105SW very much welcomed the work between the two groups.





   More out of town folks       And the ladies had fun       everyone welcomed

                  Now thats enjoying the evening                   We welcome everyone

 Steve and LynFor the Golf players around it's thanks to Steve who organizes the charity golf day that this year, played on the 26th May is on behalf of theWorking on the wine fest with the chamber of commerce VP Bob and his wife Anja Devon Air Ambulance.


Nice smile Lyn !!!




 And VP Bob and his wife Anja


           Its folk from the seaside       That is enjoying the party       Lion Bernard and wife Sue