Photo Gallery 2011  /  Charter Evening 2011  /  Duck Race 2011 / 5th Nov BBQ Stand Ottery St Mary Tar Barrels

13th December, Trevor Lees joins and welcomed as new member of the Club

   Lions Club ethics reading    Trevor gets badgedup by Lion Bill King    Lion President Brian and Lion Bill welcome Trevor to the club  


5th November, Ottery St Mary Tar barrel evening Lions BBQ stand, £1600+ raised

     BBQ Service in full swing      Now this is what you do.........         Smoke gets in the cooks eyes!!      

11th October, presentation of £1000 to Devon Air Ambulance Trust - £1500 for the year

          Lion Presideant from another angle presentating cheque for £1000        The Lions gather round Maggie from DAAT       Cheque presentation to Maggie Little from DAAT      


24th Sept, Harvest Festival wheelbarrow raffle, Honiton.

              The Wheelbarrow prize          Lion Roy and John with raffle prize          Harvest Fest Winner       


 7th Aug, Duck Race at Otter Inn on the river Otter, Weston Nr Honiton

                                         The green at the Otter Inn in full swing                    Away they go      

26th July, 2011/12 Handover evening at the Otter Inn

                             Lion President Brian thanking Lions Steve for a pint                                                      Lion President Brian handing over to Lion Brain!!

 Lion President Brian thanking Lion Steve for a pint, maybe??            Seeing double as President Brian handsover to Brian!!

23rd July, Lions Classic Car show very well attended, with Lions Stands doing a great trade.

         Some of the many classics that turned up on the day         Lions ladies on the day doing their bit        Real Classic !!    

2nd June, Lions give £1000 in sponsorship to "Help for Heroes"cycle ride heading to Normandy 

      Handing over the baton in Honiton before the next leg       Lion Bill King (far right) joins his son, Divid King as he takes the baton      Lion Bill King (far right) with 2 other Lions seeing his son off on the next leg

 May 26th, Golf day with £500 raised for Devon Air Ambulance Trust despite the weather !!!

      The 19th hole!!       Presentation of £500 cheque to Maggie Little from DAAT      Four brave windswept golfers          

8th April, Upottery pre-school receiving their new storytime and music centre

          Must be a good story - all joining in         Upottery pre-school plugged in to story time         Smile please - Upottery pre-school with their new multi-station CD

6th April, Lions ladies presenting cheque for £250 to Busy Bee's pre-school in Honiton

Lions Ladies at Busy Bee pre-school

3rd April, fund raising  - Spring wheelbarrow raffle at Otter Nurseries

             Marilyn White from Otter Nurseries picking the winner             Lions Flower power at Otter Nurseries          Lions delivering winning prize

 18th March, Rockbeare Primary School thank Lions for Donation of shelter to their Forest project  

           rockbeare class round camp fire            Smile for the press!!           Thank you plaque to lions       

 The Great Easter Egg roll out March 2011 to businesses and schools

                                            1KG egg anyone ?          Go to work on an egg ??        

Feb 20th SW Skitles Final v Oakhampton - Honiton Runners-up but only 5 pins in it

                  Now for the winner Steve               Winners & Runners-up               Go for it Roy   

1st Honiton Brownies thank Lions for donation towards start-up

                                 1st Honiton Brownies welcome The Lions                1st Honiton Brownies thanks to Lions       

  Valentine day wheelbarrow raffle in Honiton Town Centre

                   Valentine Wheelbarrow Early Shift         Another smooth wheelbarrow salesman        Anyone for my heart

  Scrum down after donation to Honiton Rugby Club under 7 group

                   Where is the referee when you need him?          OK scrum, smile please         Big scrum down !!